國際事務處將於 2024 年 4 月 26 日至 5 月 3 日舉辦「2024 北醫歐洲文化節」,邀請師生同仁及在地居民共同參與!
We cordially invite you to participate in the "2024 TMU European Culture Festival" organized by the Office of Global Engagement (OGE). Join us for a rich cultural experience, featuring diverse activities such as an exotic market, movie nights, and cultural lectures.
The event will take place from April 26th to May 3rd, 2024, and we sincerely invite you, along with your family and friends, to join us!
歐洲文化市集  European Cultural Market
We have invited the French Office in Taipei, the Hungarian Trade Office, and various vendors selling European delicacies and crafts to our campus. By participating in our mini-games, you can win exquisite gifts, and completing three tasks gives you the chance to enter a lucky draw! We welcome everyone to join us!
日期Date:2024.04.30 (Tue.) - 05.01 (Wed.)
地點Location:信義校區百米廣場 Xinyi Campus TMU Square
開幕儀式Opening Ceremony:04.30, 12:10-13:00
法國電影夜 French Movie Night
Following the screening, representatives from the French Office in Taipei will engage in discussions with attendees on ongoing social and women's issues depicted in the film, using art as a means of conveying and discussing these topics.
* 提供限量晚餐,需預先報名 Limited dinner provided, advance registration is required.
時間Time:04.29 (Mon.) 18:30
地點Location:教學大樓 2102教室 Teaching Building Room 2102
電影Movie:正發生 Happeining
分級Rating:限制級  Restricted (敬請同仁不要帶未成年人進場 We kindly ask that colleagues refrain from bringing minors to this screening.)
露天電影夜 Outdoor Movie Night 
This award-winning film, adapted from a French stage play, provides insight into dementia through the perspective of a patient. "Father" depicts the challenges of living with dementia and explores its impact on family dynamics and caregiving.
* 提供限量野餐墊及小點,無需事先報名 Limited Picnic Mats and Snacks Provided. No advance registration required.
時間Time:04.30(Tue.) 18:30
電影Movie:父親 Father
分級Rating:普遍級 General Audiences
Feel free to invite your friends and family to join us, and you're welcome to bring along props to enhance the atmosphere and make the viewing experience even more enjoyable.
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